CraftWorkNYC & Toronto Tickets Now on Sale


Let's Connect IRL

Issue: 005Jan 19, 2024

Hello 👋,

Is anyone else struggling to stay warm and motivated? I know we're obsessed with "weather" in the UK, but boy, is it cold. Anyway, enough of the moaning and on with issue 5 of my still untitled newsletter.

In this issue, I've got news of an upcoming event in the UK, a fresh interview, and some choice links for fellow stationery lovers.

[NEW] Craft+Work: Locale Milton Keynes

Date: Thursday, 29th February , from 6-9pm
Location: Milton Keynes, UK
Venue: x+why @ Unity Place
Cost: £15 + VAT
Details: []

One of my big goals for 2024 is to meet and help more soloists and small business owners running creative or digital businesses. As part of this plan, I have committed to hosting multiple [Craft+Work] events around the UK, Ireland, and, fingers crossed, New York and Toronto.

If you've yet to hear of Craft+Work before, let me share a little about it. It's an informal, intimate (max 50 participants), and conversational event series that brings together founders, soloists, freelancers and future entrepreneurs to share experiences, learn from each other and prove that there is no right way to build and grow a creative or digital business.

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Our next event will be in Milton Keynes on Thursday, 29th February, from 6-9pm. The evening will include an insightful presentation, hot-seat interviews and a group discussion. Themes will likely include branding, clients and customers, leadership, marketing, positioning, pricing, remote work, team building, and technology.

See you there?

Book Your Ticket →

9 Questions For…Mike Jordan

In the edition of 9 Questions For… we hear from Mike Jordan, co-founder of Cardiff-based creative agency Toward and the man I call "The Real MJ".

In the interview, Mike shares why his agency, Toward, decided to change its approach to business in 2023 and explains how these changes have impacted revenue and team performance. I am biased, but it's well worth a read.

Read 9 Questions For…Mike Jordan →

Would you like to be featured in your own 9 Questions For… interview? I'm always looking for soloists, founders, and entrepreneurs who don't mind sharing their journeys and insights. If you're interested, hit reply and let's chat. Or just fill in the form!

Submit your 9 Questions For… →

Question of the Week

Last issue I asked:

Q: Do you send your clients gifts?

I had a few replies on this one. Answers ranged from "nothing" to "chocolates, but I want to be more creative". Are gifts passe? Are there better ways (beyond doing great work) to keep us top of a client's mind?

This week, I'd like to ask:

Q: If you trade under your name, what do you put in a required company field?

There are a few reasons I'd consider starting to use a company name for the work I do, but high up on the list would be the dreaded required company field — especially on event signup forms.

I often enter my URL or my name twice, both of which look like a mistake.

What would you do? Hit reply and let me know.

Three From Me: Stationery Stores

Are you a fellow stationery lover? Here are three of my favourite sites to help you indulge.

  1. BaronFig — I'm a very happy owner of multiple Squire pens and and often find myself ordering their stay flat soft-cover blank Vanguard notebooks
  2. The Journal Shop — A treasure trove of delights. Check out the Penco range for starters.
  3. Labour and Wait — A beautiful selection of high-end desk accessories, including staplers, planners, envelopes and more.

What am I missing out on?

Before I go, I just wanted to share that I've pushed a few updates to my site, including a new and more straightforward coaching page featuring the three ways I help solo founders and solo entrepreneurs. I've also added the newsletter archive and corrected a few typos.

Have a great weekend,

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My newsletter is 100% free and you can unsubscribe at any time. Read previous issues.

About This Site

This is the web site of Keir Whitaker — I'm a UK-based business coach and founder of event series Craft+Work.

Fancy a chat? Book a free consultation with me and let's talk about how I can help you and your business.

Please connect with me on Linkedin.

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