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Tenets for Better Work

Tuesday 7th May 2024

I do enjoy a good list, especially when it comes to how we approach our craft. The following is from Sir John Hegarty (if you bought 501's in the 80's you've seen his work) and featured in issue 15 of his excellent "The Business of Creativity" newsletter.

In the course of my career, I've discovered ten rules for creative business (I'm aware that the list below contains eleven, but the last one is a bonus). Whenever I've adhered to them, work has soared, and things have often turned out better than expected. I hope they help you with whatever you're trying to get done this week.

  1. Be an optimist — You have to believe that you are going to have an impact and make the world a better place. Energy and enthusiasm are contagious.
  2. Remove the headphones — The world is full of inspiration. Listen.
  3. Mix with the best — Great thinkers congregate, learn from each other and get inspired.
  4. Read shit — Read good things in the hope it will rub off. Also, read outside your discipline to give yourself an unexpected advantage.
  5. Respect your ego — Ego is "I", your sense of belief, your opinion. Don't allow this to become "hubris". This is when your self-importance is too high.
  6. Respect, don't revere — Admire ideas, not people. The former don't let you down.
  7. Constantly question — Children are restless and constantly questioning. This is how their knowledge expands. Don't be afraid to ask the unusual question. It will expand your knowledge.
  8. Embrace juxtaposition — It will dramatise your message and encourage your audience to question ‘why?'.
  9. Never exclude — Creativity is an expression of self. Make sure you have as many different people in the room as possible.
  10. Be inspired by beauty — Everyday beauty is all around you – just look for it. It will lift your creative spirit.
  11. There are no rules

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This is the web site of Keir Whitaker — I'm a UK-based business coach and founder of event series Craft+Work.

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