CraftWorkNYC & Toronto Tickets Now on Sale


New Newsletter Newness

Issue: 001Nov 23, 2023


Welcome to the first issue of my newsletter. I've had a sign-up form on my website for years but never quite managed to take the next step. Yes, I'm late to the game, and an inbox is a competitive place these days, but here goes.

In this issue, I give you advance notice of the next full-day Craft+Work event happening in London next May, ask you a question I've been pondering, and post the first in my "three from me" series.

If you are wondering why you're receiving this, it's because you signed up on my website and/or attended an event I hosted.

Craft+Work: London 2024 — Save The Date

Earlier this year, I hosted the first Craft+Work event in London. With only 50 people in the room, it was an intimate day full of insights, personal stories, and open conversations focused on building better businesses. You can read the full report on my website.

At the end of the day, I asked the group if they'd like to return in a year and do it all again. The consensus was a resounding yes. So save the date — Craft+Work London will return in its full-day format on Friday, May 31st 2024, at the citizenM Tower Bridge.

Only 40 tickets will be available and will go on sale in January 2024.

Question of the Week

I'm in the process of conducting some interviews with founders and solo entrepreneurs. Towards the end of the interview, I ask the following question:

Q: What's the one thing you wish you'd known before starting your entrepreneurial adventure?

In the spirit of sharing, here's my response:

"The power of consistency. That keeping on track and continually showing up and doing good work will give you the greatest competitive advantage."

Do you agree? I'd love to know your answer (hit reply and let me know).

Three From Me: Chrome Extensions

First up in this series are the three Chrome extensions I can't live without.

  1. GoFullPage — A simple yet handy extension allowing you to screenshot an entire webpage. This came in handy recently when comparing a bunch of homepage designs. You can also export to PDF, if you wish.
  2. Custom New Tab URL — I was a little surprised to find that Chrome doesn't allow you to specify the page that loads when you create a new tab. This extension solves that problem.
  3. The Marvellous Suspender — Simply put, this extension helps your computer run smoothly by suspending the tabs you aren't using, thus freeing up memory. To get your tab back, just click on the page.

If you have a favourite Chrome extension, let me know!

Well, that's it. Issue 001 (I'm always so optimistic with my leading zeroes) put to bed. All being well, I'll be back in two weeks with another edition.

Thanks for reading,

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About This Site

This is the web site of Keir Whitaker — I'm a UK-based business coach and founder of event series Craft+Work.

Fancy a chat? Book a free consultation with me and let's talk about how I can help you and your business.

Please connect with me on Linkedin.

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