{%- assign current = page.title | downcase -%} {%- include html-header.html -%} {% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}{% assign articles = paginator %}{% else %}{% assign articles = page %}{% endif %} {% assign current_cat = page.url | split: "/" | last | slugify %} {% assign current_cat_count = articles.posts | size %}
{%- include craftwork-banner.html -%} {%- include nav.html -%}
{%- include links.html -%} {% if paginator.total_pages > 1 and paginator.page == 1 %}

{{ page.title }}

{% elsif paginator.total_pages > 1 and paginator.page != 1 %}

{{ page.title }} / Page {{ paginator.page }}

{% else %}

Blog / {{ articles.posts.first.category }}

{% endif %}

{{ page.description }}

{% if page.url == '/blog/index.html' or page.url contains "/page/" %} View All {% else %} View All {% endif %} {% assign sorted_cats = site.categories | sort %} {% for category in sorted_cats %} {% capture category_name %}{{ category | first | slugify }}{% endcapture %} {% if category_name == current_cat %} {{ category | first }} {% else %} {{ category | first }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if current_cat_count == 1 %}
{% elsif current_cat_count == 2 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% for post in articles.posts %} {%- include article-card.html article=post -%} {%- endfor -%}
{% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
{% if paginator.previous_page %} Newer {% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ paginator.page }}/{{ paginator.total_pages }}
{% if paginator.next_page %} Older {% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- include footer-newsletter.html -%} {%- include footer.html -%}
{%- include html-footer.html -%}